Parents have complained about how miserable the online schooling experience has been, so today I’ll give you 3 tips on how to support your child.
Start with Kindness
Everyone’s life has been disrupted, yours, your kid, your kid’s teacher, and their families too. Amplify this if you have more than one child, and it is a pandemic. Everyone is getting bombarded with news from multiple communication conduits, so practice kindness and go easy on yourself and those in your life. It is not a normal situation, and we know that optimal learning cannot really be productive when people are stressed.
Tend to Emotions First
Due to this, be sure to notice and acknowledge when you or your kids are overwhelmed. It can flare at anytime throughout the day, so plan proactively for some strategies that you can implement when “temperatures are rising.” Your list of strategies may be to take a walk, watch a little distracting TV or a video, play some music, sing songs, break for a snack, or phone a friend. You might try breathing to calm yourself, yoga, jumping jacks, a few pushups, or a new puzzle. When you empathize and then implement a strategy, you can break the cycle of stress.
Framework a Structure of Habits
Ever feel like you’re just mindlessly going pell-mell through your day? Having a schedule with structure helps. If you’re like me, there is no end to the to-do list, but having habits tagged onto other habits is a great way to get it all done and to feel accomplished and productive in your day. Using the 5 prayers, you can add reading, exercise, chores, and even fun times into each day, and shouldn’t each day have some fun?
Use Mindfulness and Schedule
This is a unique time in history. Use the opportunity to design your schedule and do the inner work, battle the nafs in the greater jihad through a balance of discipline, kindness, and self-care as did our Prophet SAW.
Look to Define360.online for guidance and courses that can help you soar in these challenges.